You can order easily and securely from us. You can register as a customer here or you can place an order as a 'guest'.
This means that you do not have to log in, but only register your email address and delivery address.
All orders that you place as a 'guest' are registered with your email address. If you decide to create a profile at a later date, these orders will also be recorded.
You can easily search for the items that interest you using our search function. You can also filter by different categories to find the items that are interesting for you and your needs.
If you find an item you want, you can add it to your order by clicking on "Add to cart". You can also click on the "Save for later" heart to add the item to your wish list and save it for later. You will find the link to your shopping cart in the top right corner. If you have a discount code or gift voucher, you can enter it at the end of the checkout.
The next step is to check whether the information you entered when placing the order is correct. If everything is OK, you can select the payment method and confirm the order.