Lathyrus odoratus
Drama, Baby! “Almost Black” will have you spellbound with her incredible colour (and intoxicating scent).
And if you combine her with something white (I'm thinking sweet pea "Old Times" or cosmos "Double Dutch White”) those dark flowers will stand out even more.
She’s an excellent climber for fences, arches, and obelisks and will add a glorious 'zhoozh' in a vase on your lunch table.
Height: 180cm (70")
Hardiness: Hardy annual, Cool Flower
Where: Full sun
When: January to March inside, April to May outside. For better germination, soak the seeds overnight before sowing.
Spacing: 45cm (18")
Harvesting/Flowering: May to October
Tip: Regularly picking the flowers (for your vases) will encourage lots of new flowers to grow.
A paradise for insects
Contents: Approx. 20 seeds
Photos 1 & 2: Janina Laszlo