Papaver rhoeas
A low-maintenance lady with delicate, almost "silky" crisp white blossoms that shimmer in the sunshine.
And as behooves a lady, she’s a rare variety.
Height: 60cm (24")
Hardiness: Hardy annual; you can sow them in the fall for the following spring.
Where: Full sun
When: Straight outside; poppies don't like being repotted. March to May or August to October.
Spacing: 30cm (12")
Harvesting/Flowering: June - October; keep removing the wilted flowers to encourage abundant blooming. If you sow in the fall, they'll flower the following year.
Top Tip: If you sow in the fall, keep your flower beds covered with a cloche over the winter to protect them from frosts. For a longer flowering period, sow two or three times at staggered intervals.
Contents: Approx. 500 seeds
Photos: Janina Laszlo